Vespa and Justin announce their collaboration

I’m a Belieber. It's like a cloud bourn two wheeled angel Justin Bieber has been through a lot. Inducted into the music business at a young age he’s broken more than a few moulds. He’s one of the most successful artists of recent times, perhaps all time. He’s sold millions of albums, fills arenas wherever he tours, has had multiple bestselling singles and duetted with some of the most beautiful and talented female artists on the planet. It’s not all been plain sailing though. He had that drug thing for a while and now his head is, apparently, partially paralysed. The fantastically great news is that he now has his own scooter.

Not Justin, not his workshop, probably not his scooter
Yes indeed, we’re now becoming one with the millions and millions of “Beliebers” across the globe as the living legend has now joined the likes of Giorgio Armani, Christian Dior and Sean Wotherspoon who have blended their creative genius with that iconic and unmistakable Vespa style. By doing so they’ve developed some exclusive brand collections. Now Justin has his own Italian scooter in two, or perhaps three, engine capacities.

Dublin bike thief contemplates not bothering with this one
The new beast has been personally designed by the living icon himself and it enjoys the title of the Justin Bieber X Vespa. Ahhh, deep fin’ sigh. At this point while writing a piece like this I’d generally take a break for a cup of tea and a smoke. This time, however, I’m also going to call a friend as I’m feeling profoundly unhappy and I’m wondering at which point my life went so badly wrong that I’ve been reduced to writing about pure shite like this to feed my family.

Not too sure what's happening here, we found the image on Google
Anyway, back to the scooter and the Canadian pop star. I know, I know, I was sure that he was Californian too. Bieber's passion for Vespa is, apparently, well known. Just not by you. Or me. The Canadian singer goes on to claim his credentials as a scooterist as well as a terribly well travelled young man: “The first time I rode a Vespa was somewhere in Europe, probably either London or Paris. I just remember seeing a Vespa and being like ‘I want to ride one of those’. And I had such a great time, just the wind flying through my hair, the freedom. The paparazzi couldn’t catch me, my screaming fans didn’t know it was me thanks to the full face helmet and the roar of the engine was so enjoyable. Yes indeed it was fun. Feeling the wind flowing through my hair while wearing a full face helmet was a little difficult, I however, managed it”, comments JB.

No lid, no worries. JB on his way to mass
The Bieb, as he’s known to his friends is, just like the Italian brand, both glamorous and timeless. The new Vespa perfectly reflects his creativity. Over to the best selling music sensation of all time and really nice Canadian for another quote; “I love Vespa, and to partner with such a classic brand is so cool. Being able to express myself, whether it's through art, music, visuals, or aesthetics, being able to create something from nothing, it's a part of me. Ultimately the goal in creating and designing is always to put your own unique spin on things". I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m just going for another smoke…

It's like it's been personally signed, just different...
Justin is, for those of you who don’t know him, white and so is his new Vespa. The bike is white, the saddle is white, the logo is white and even the flames down the side of the bike are also white. Yes you read that correctly, it has flames, white ones on a white background. White makes another appearance on the grips as it does on the spokes and the tyre walls, on the wheels as well as on the wheel rims. You can, of course, add to your Justin spin with a totally white helmet from the accessory line up. There’s also a pair of gloves and a bag to add to your experience. We’re not sure what colour they are, but we really, really, hope that they’re white.

Nothing we write can do this image the justice it deserves
The future classic comes in both 50 and 125cc capacities as well as a 150cc beast, but that last one is in a different market to our one. They all adhere to the most recent environmental regulations. There’s a TFT screen that syncs to your smartphone, just in case you wanted to listen to a bit of Justin Bieber as you ride along. A full set of LED lights abound.

Bensons. Just don't. They'll be the death of you... Bensons. Just don't. They'll be the death of you...
Talk to your local Vespa dealer about buying one of these tasteful machines that Piaggio have forced them to buy as a condition of their franchise contract and you too can be a superfan. I, on the other hand, am off to cry into my tea, smoke another Benson and wish I’d done things a little differently when I was younger. I wonder if I have any brandy left…